In this video I will show you the most common backswing pitfall, and how it hurts good iron play. We will look at the three common causes…
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Competitive Drills That Simulate Play
There are different types of practice, but in this video I will show you three drills that allow you to benchmark your skills, and simulate the…
Putting: What To Move, What To Keep Stable
Simplicity is the key to consistent putting. In this video I’ll show you what should power your stroke, and also the four common mistakes…
3 Keys To Make Driver Work On The Course
Often we drive the ball solidly and with freedom on the range only to struggle on the course. In this video I’ll show you three things you can…
Stop Flipping Your Golf Club At Impact
This video is about how to stop flipping your golf club at impact. For more golf tips and drills please make sure to check out…