How to Get the Most out of Your Premium SGA Membership
While I love Adam’s video instruction, I’m not much of a “video guy” myself, so I thought I’d just write up a quick summary of how I get the most out of my Premium SGA membership (I’m also not a professional writer, so please excuse any typos or grammar issues…I’m just a golfer!).
Anyways, I truly believe that the Premium SGA membership from Scratch Golf Academy is the best resource you’ll find anywhere online if you’re serious about improving. Whether you want to improve your ball-striking all around, make solid contact more consistently with your irons, hit it further, or tidy up your short game and putting, Premium SGA is where it’s at!
I love the fact that instead of getting opinions from 5, 10, or 20+ different instructors, I can consistently learn one method from one elite-level instructor. That’s a big deal to me, and it’s one reason Premium SGA is the only golf instruction I listen to. There’s no doubt in my mind that Adam is the best-kept secret in the golf instruction world.
Ok I’ve rambled enough…here’s how I maximize my Premium SGA membership. If you want to get the most “bang for your buck” I think this will be really helpful.
SGA Master Collection
If you want to improve over the long-haul, my suggestion is to start with just 1 of the 10 available courses, and devote a few weeks to not only watching those videos, but actually practicing what Adam teaches. I do that on the driving range, but also by using a mirror at home. If you want to take a look at all of the video courses that’s fine, just don’t try to implement everything all at once.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Scratch Golf Academy Live
This is a big part of your Premium SGA membership, and something you should take full advantage of. What Adam does is hosts a live webinar once per month where you can ask him any questions that you have, and he’ll demonstrate drills, techniques, etc. to answer your questions.
There’s really not much else to say here…try to make it every month if you can, but if you can’t he does record each SGA Live event, so you can go back and watch at a later date. It’s not as good as being there live of course, but it’s still nice that he records them all.
Personal 1-on-1 Video Coaching
I love this. Adam has this software (maybe you’ve seen similar videos online) where if you send him a video of your golf swing, he’ll analyze it and provide you with valuable feedback. Everyone is different, and this may or may not be right for you. My personal opinion is that while a lesson on the range with a PGA pro is great, I’ve kinda gotten to the point where I prefer these video lessons for one big reason…I can go back and watch them over and over again.
Even the best players in the world talk about how important it is to master the fundamentals, and when I’m struggling with something in my swing, I can usually go back to a previous video lesson Adam has done for me and get some great advice.
Here’s the link to the personal coaching page: CLICK HERE to learn about 1-on-1 coaching with Adam Bazalgette
He also has an option to where you can buy several lessons at once and save a little money, so that’s nice. Adam just keeps things really simple, and as I get older I really appreciate simple. Life is too damn complicated as it is, and improving your golf game should be fun, not confusing and frustrating.
The Preferred Buyer’s Club
If you like to tinker with clubs, training aids, golf technology, or any of the other “golf stuff” that is out there, I’d definitely check this section out!
I hope this was helpful…
I’m not a golf instructor or even an elite player (I’m currently about a 7 handicap). I’m a golfer just like you who decided to commit to Adam and Premium SGA, because I knew if I took full-advantage of everything that Adam has to offer, my scores would drop (and they have).
I think that last point is important. With Premium SGA, Adam gives you everything you need to succeed, but it’s up to you to watch the Master Collection videos, attend the SGA Live events, and get your 1-on-1 video coaching lessons.
Oh and Adam is always adding new stuff to the member’s area, so you’ll never really “run out” of valuable information, which is something else that’s really nice about the program. He gives you what you need not just right now, but also into the future as well.
Nothing earthshattering here, but I hope this was helpful…now start taking advantage of your Premium membership! Thanks for reading!
Your fellow Premium SGA member