Today I’ve got a video for you titled “Golf Swing Plane Made Easy” which includes some great golf swing plane drills. A lot of golfers really struggle with their swing plane, but most of the struggles are because they get in their own way. As you’ll see in this video, the golf club is actually […]
Irons/Mid Game
How To Stop Hitting Thin Golf Shots
In the video we will look at a common pitfall, how to stop hitting thin shots. This tendency affects most golfers, and it’s damaging because a…
Should You ‘Hit Down’ On The Ball With Irons
‘Hitting down’ is commonly agreed upon, but most golfers do it too much. I will show you why we hit down, how much to hit down, and…
How to hit shots when you are ‘between clubs’
In a round of golf we frequently find ourselves between clubs. In this video I will show you different ways to handle it, for both…
Most Common Backswing Pitfall With Irons
In this video I will show you the most common backswing pitfall, and how it hurts good iron play. We will look at the three common causes…
Stop Flipping Your Golf Club At Impact
This video is about how to stop flipping your golf club at impact. For more golf tips and drills please make sure to check out…